Electrical CAD

The com­plete CAD solu­tion with sym­bols and func­tions for elec­tri­cal and instal­la­tion drawings.

Continuous upgrades with new functions!

New ver­sion


With ELPROCAD ic 2021, we improve project and documentation management and make drawing editing easier.

AutoDesk® Vault

New in 2021.11

AutoDesk® Vault and SharePoint

Support for the doc­u­ment man­age­ment systems AutoDesk® Vault and Share Point. Separate AutoDesk/SharePoint and ELPROCAD licens­es needed.

New in 2021.11

Hide on print

New func­tion Hide on print, lets you move objects to a spe­cif­ic lay­er that is hid­den when printing.

Dölj på utskrift med ELPROCAD ic 2021.11
ELPROCAD Vattenstämpel

New in 2021.5


New func­tion for adding water­marks in draw­ings and reports when gen­er­at­ing PDF files.

New in 2021.5

New icons for 4K screens

Upgraded icon set, adapt­ed to 4K screens.

ELPROCAD nya ikoner
ELPROCAD ic 2021 - Clickable cross references

New in 2021.2

Clickable cross references

When cre­at­ing PDF doc­u­ments, there is now also the func­tion with click­able cross and sig­nal ref­er­ences. Click on a cross or sig­nal ref­er­ence to direct­ly jump to the cor­rect page in the PDF document.

New in 2021.2

PDF settings

Extended options for print­ing PDF files, where you can now choose col­or set­tings, paper size, ori­en­ta­tion, scale and more.

ELPROCAD ic 2021 - PDF settings
ELPROCAD ic 2021 - External documents

New in 2021.2

External documents

Attach sup­ple­men­tary doc­u­ments with your project direct­ly to the project tree, which can also be includ­ed in the PDF file.

New in 2021.2

Edit PLC box

Improved han­dling for edit­ing a PLC box after­wards and updat­ed func­tion­al­i­ty for import­ing sig­nal files to a PLC box.

ELPROCAD ic 2021 - Edit PLC box



ELPROCAD ic 2020 supports BricsCAD V19 and the latest DWG 2018 format.

BricsCAD V19

New in 2020.6

Updated CAD engine: BricsCAD V19

Supports the new DWG 2018 format.

New in 2020.6

More space on the drawing surface

Use the new Clean Screen func­tion to cre­ate more space on your desktop.

compare drawings

New in 2020.6

Compare drawings

Easier com­par­i­son between DWG draw­ings with the DWGCOMPARE commando.



ELPROCAD ic 6.0 simplifies project and documentation management, improves the user experience and speeds up your work.

New in 6.0

Searchable project documentation

ELPROCAD ic auto­mat­i­cal­ly col­lects and cre­ates search­able PDF:s for all impor­tant doc­u­men­ta­tion in a project.

Watch a video of PDF generation

New in 6.0

Customized project templates

Get start­ed very quick­ly between projects with cus­tomized forms, reports, logo­types and devices — and share project forms with your network.

Watch a video of cus­tomized project templates

New in 6.0

Updated graphical interface

Work quick­er with cus­tomized tool­bars, smart but­tons and tags.

New in 6.0

Download, install and start drawing

Easier Windows 10 instal­la­tion and more effec­tive roll out using MSI packages.

Watch a video about instal­la­tion and activation

New in 6.0

Software license keys and check out

Check in and out when­ev­er you want, with­out the need of a hard­ware lock, and man­age your licens­es on My Pages

Read more about man­ag­ing licens­es in 6.0

Updated CAD engine

ELPROCAD runs on BricsCAD® 19.

Improved support for Windows 10

30 days free trial

System require­ments: Windows 8 or 10, 64 bit, 4 GB RAM
License: Single or Network
Language: English, Swedish, Danish


  • ELPROCAD ic Basic

    A com­plete CAD solu­tion for elec­tri­cal draw­ings in small­er projects

    Symbols and fea­tures for draw­ing cir­cuit dia­grams, main cir­cuit dia­grams, exter­nal con­nec­tion dia­grams, assem­bly draw­ings, plc, and single-line diagrams.

    Service Agreement included
    Purchase of a new license or an upgrade includes 12 months Service Agreement with auto renew­al, worth 625 EUR for a Single license or 935 EUR for a Network license. Read more about our Service Agreement here.

    When upgrad­ing
    After choos­ing the upgrade option, enter all applic­a­ble license num­bers in the field above the add to cart button.

    New: Now also as rental license
    The stat­ed prise is per month. Minimum rental time 12 months. During the rental peri­od, free sup­port and free upgrades are included.

    994,590 (excl. VAT)
    Select options This prod­uct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The options may be cho­sen on the prod­uct page 
  • ELPROCAD ic Pro

    Complete CAD solu­tion with auto­mat­ic cross ref­er­ences and reports / lists for any project size.

    • Includes all fea­tures and sym­bols from ic Basic
    • Automatic cross and sig­nal references
    • Automatic gen­er­a­tion of device lists
    • Order lists and reports

    Service Agreement included
    Purchase of a new license or an upgrade includes 12 months Service Agreement with auto renew­al, worth 835 EUR for a Single license or 1250 EUR for a Network license. Read more about our Service Agreement here.

    When upgrad­ing
    After choos­ing the upgrade option, enter all applic­a­ble license num­bers in the field above the add to cart button.

    New: Now also as rental license
    The stat­ed prise is per month. Minimum rental time 12 months. During the rental peri­od, free sup­port and free upgrades are included.

    1195,690 (excl. VAT)
    Select options This prod­uct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The options may be cho­sen on the prod­uct page 
  • ELPROCAD ic Premium

    Complete CAD solu­tion with auto­mat­ic cross ref­er­ences and reports / lists for larg­er productions.

    • Includes all fea­tures and sym­bols from ic Basic and ic Pro
    • Automatic doc­u­men­ta­tion

    Service Agreement included
    Purchase of a new license or an upgrade includes 12 months Service Agreement with auto renew­al, worth 835 EUR for a Single license or 1250 EUR for a Network license. Read more about our Service Agreement here.

    When upgrad­ing
    After choos­ing the upgrade option, enter all applic­a­ble license num­bers in the field above the add to cart button.

    New: Now also as rental license
    The stat­ed prise is per month. Minimum rental time 12 months. During the rental peri­od, free sup­port and free upgrades are included.

    1496,590 (excl. VAT)
    Select options This prod­uct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The options may be cho­sen on the prod­uct page 

ELPROCAD + Autodesk AutoCAD® if you pre­fer or already use AutoCAD®.